Gig economy platforms

Powerful global payments services for gig economy platform builders

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Virtual IBAN and more for gig economy platforms

The FTS.Money platform opens new capabilities with:
Virtual IBAN business account available in 25 countries* (coming soon)
Money transfer payment in 100+ countries* (coming soon)
Hold many currencies in a multi-currency wallet (coming soon)

Designed to support gig economy platforms transacting across borders

Easy IBAN setup compared with setting up a traditional international bank account. Virtual IBAN provides an account number that can direct funds to a primary business account.  

More cost effective for gig economy platforms. Money transfers can come with significant transaction fees. An FTS Money Account helps address the costs associated with exchange rate fluctuations and currency conversion.

Faster transactions compared with traditional transactions that can sometimes take several days. Our fast processing supports the financial stability of gig workers who may rely on prompt payments.

Multi-currency exchange with favourable foreign exchange rates.

Easier compliance as we make sure your FTS.Money Account meets all the regulatory standards of the jurisdictions we serve. And when regulations change, we change to stay compliant.

Robust digital platform ideal for platforms that prefer online and mobile banking.

Greater operational efficiency supporting more streamlined, cost-effective banking for gig economy platforms.



A more efficient and cost-effective approach to global payments



Fully compliant in the jurisdictions we operate and robust security features



One platform offers fast access to more payment options

Robust and trustworthy global payments solutions

Robust and trustworthy global payments solutions

Supported by 15+ years uptime

Our proven self-owned infrastructure has operated continuously since 2009, processing payments between Asia, Europe and beyond

30+ years development experience

The FTS.Money team is led by global payments veterans with 30+ years of experience

PCI Level 1 certification and regulatory compliant

We maintain bank-grade security certification and adhere to the legal and financial requirements of the countries and jurisdictions we operate within

Continuous improvement

We’re reimagining global payments to keep our customers one step ahead in the fast evolving global financial ecosystem